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Registration Form

Course Syllabus

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Updated: 06 November 2019

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General Registration is Now Open


What are the dates and how much does the workshop cost?

The workshop will be held from the morning of Saturday, 18 July through the evening of Wednesday, 22 July 2020.  Costs for room and board are $720 for participants arriving after 2 PM on Friday, 17 July or $600 for participants arriving by 8 AM, Saturday, 18 July.  Check out for all participants is 10 AM Thursday, 23 July.


Where do I sign up for the workshop?

Download the registration form that is posted. Mail the completed form with a $100 deposit check made out to Coral Reef Foundation and mail to PO Box 790149, Paia, HI 96779.


Is there academic credit available for the workshop?

Yes.  Three credits of OEST (Ocean and Earth Science and Technology) 696: Communicating Ocean Sciences will be available through University of Hawai`i at Manoa, Outreach College.  Summer registration fees are $1,950.  Three lower-division credits for OCN (Oceanography) 270: Communicating Ocean Sciences will be available through University of Hawai`i Maui College.  Summer tuition for three-credit courses are $734 (resident), $1,071 (non-resident), $926 (Pacific islander).  Registration for credits will begin in December.


Do I need to register for college credit to participate in the workshop?

No.  Workshop participants who do not need academic credit pay for room and board only.


Is there a textbook and/or course materials?

The syllabus for OEST 696 is posted, open the file OEST 696 3cr Su20.dosx.  The original materials for Communicating Ocean Sciences (COS) and Communicating Ocean Sciences to Informal Audiences (COSIA) were developed by the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley...As an example, go to


May I bring my family?

Available spaces in the cabins will be offered to family members and friends on a first-come-first-served basis after registration closes.  Other options include setting up a family tent next to the cabins, renting a tent-a-low, or car-camping.  Refer to the camp information on the website at  Family members will be required to pay room and board if staying at the cabins or for meals only if staying in other accommodations.

Photos: Camp Olowalu

Oceania Marine Educators Association 
​(If you are interested in donating to Oceania, email us)
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